Recently, more people are calling for the solution to a term they refer to as ‘technology menace.’ This is the increased addiction to the internet and its products such as social media and the exploitation from internet companies.

Mankind has come up with innovations that help him solve problems, either to help him perform tasks better and faster or to protect him from his enemies. However, these innovations are usually abused or used against our survival and existence.

As much as this is true, we have to acknowledge the record-breaking ease at which we live our lives and carry out tasks.

Computers and the internet are constantly changing our daily lives and improving efficiency. Technology is taking over! Here are some sectors where this is evident:

Communication: Social media and emails have changed both individual and business communication. This age is the Information Technology age because of how easily information flows. Businesses have broken boundaries, and the world has become smaller.
Finance: Business deals and financial transactions are completed in an eye blink. The pace of global transactions has never been this fast, efficient, and secure. And with cryptocurrency, the dream of having a global currency is becoming a reality.

Medicine and health: The current generation has the lowest infant mortality rate. With the use of technology, life-threatening surgical operations are becoming more successful. With the invention of wearable, the constant visits to the doctor for medical checks will be no more.
Energy and Power: Solar panels, nuclear reactors, are some good examples of how tech has boosted power generation and the availability of energy.

Oil and Gas: There’s a lot of ground-breaking tech in the exploration of oil and gas. This is increasing the efficiency of the oil exploration process and is much safer for the environment. A good example of one such innovation is FieldAp. This is an application that helps digitize field operations. It is also used for collaboration thanks to its large suite of software and framework.

Manufacturing: Robots are improving the manufacturing process. Enhanced tech-driven processes, especially the use of robots in manufacturing, have increased output by up to 20%.

This is not it. The impact of tech is seen in many other sectors. It reduces burn-out in our places of work, increases our speed and the efficiency of all our processes, and ultimately increases our productivity and output.