Science is a systematized body of knowledge that is based on human experiences and facts. On the other hand, technology is a broad term that refers to both the machines/artifacts created by people and the methods that people use to make these machines/artifacts. Science is a driver of technological development through the generation of demand for new instruments that question a scientific idea or by illustrating technical possibilities that were previously not considered. Technology drives scientific investigation by creating the need for technological improvements, which scientists can produce only through research. Scientists can also do this by raising questions about the underlying principles that the new technology is reliant on. Scientists aim to create things that can improve the quality of our lives immeasurably through their discovery of Science. As man progresses through technology and Science, Science has brought on several advantages to mankind.
Advantages of Science and Technology to mankind:
Our life expectancy has lengthened, and the rate of infant mortality has reduced due to the improvements made in medicine.
The productivity levels on farms have increased due to the development of better seeds, better techniques for irrigation, and the discovery of mechanization.
Modern Commercial Development and Industrialization have been made possible by the advancements in transportation, such as jet planes, motor vehicles, the railway, and modern ocean liners, which also make our lives very comfortable.
Laboratories have benefited from the invention of the computer, which assists in the process of calculation.
Our lives have generally become healthier and longer as compared to previous generations.
Communication has been made much more straightforward in recent times due to technology.
Groundbreaking solutions to deadly diseases have been discovered due to Science.
Exploration of space by man is now possible due to the wide-scale development in technology.
The joys of good health and longevity are now ours to enjoy and experience. Modern hygiene, medicine, sanitation, and surgery are annihilating more physical and mental ills daily.
Disadvantages of Science and Technology:
Technology has led to an increase in unemployment rates.
Scientists created machines to give man leisure; however, it has stifled creativity, forced uniformity, and increased our wants and desires. It has made us greedy and selfish.
Through Science, we have discovered weapons such as the nuclear bomb, chemical and biological warfare, and guided missiles testing.
Currently, science and technology is fundamental because it is used in everyday life. Just like all things, it has its advantages and disadvantages. Rightfully used Science and technology can bring heaven to earth; however, it can destroy in the wrong hands.