The Hubble space telescope has facilitated many scientific discoveries due to how powerful the telescope is. The Earth is orbited by the telescope the same way a satellite does. Scientists did this to ensure that the telescope will produce clear images that are not affected by the background lights emitted on Earth, which will compete with the dim lights of the stars in distant space. The telescope has captured many fascinating images, including the Pillars of Creation, which showcases stars’ formation in remote space.

How you can relate Science and Technology.
Technology and science are closely related, and the Hubble space telescope is one of the best existing examples. It is easy to observe how technology uses science to design solutions to problems while science uses technology to discover new truths about nature. Their difference, however, lies in the end goals of these two fields. On the one hand, science seeks to increase knowledge and answer our questions, while technology aims to provide solutions to society’s practical problems. These differing end goals, however, do not hinder these two fields from advancing each other. Scientific knowledge is critical when creating new technology, for instance, the Hubble Telescope, and new technology provides an innovative means of exploration of nature.

Technology revolutionizing science
While the Hubble Telescope Software was placed into Earth’s orbit in the 1990s by scientists, telescopes have been used for discovery since the early 1600s. Dutch lens maker Hans Lippershey is stated to have likely invented the first telescope. He used his scientific knowledge of the characteristics of light and lenses to design his telescope.

His new technology was spread all over Europe, and almost instantly, Galileo started working on improvements to Lippershey’s design. Galileo was an Italian Scientist and inventor who took approximately two years to develop a more sophisticated design of the telescope. His innovations made it possible for the new telescope to make objects at a far distance visible to the human eye. Galileo used his telescope to look at the night sky. He watched the valley and the hills found on the moon’s surface and the spots and the sun. His observations led to remarkable discoveries, such as Jupiter has moons and that the sun is rotating on its axis. His findings helped him prove that it is not the Earth located at the center of the Solar system; instead, it is the sun. This discovery has had a vital role in the history of science and has led to the revolution of Western Science. All of which was done through the aid of technology.